Here we are, two weeks into our second year of business in Monticello. It’s been a hectic start to the year with taking some time off at the holidays and Freddie and I moving to make our home here too. But now that things are settling down it’s time to get refocused.
Mission Cup Coffee (as we have said before) was started out of a love of Christ and global missions to take the gospel to the nations, specifically India. As we learned, grew and got our feet under us the first year, we didn’t talk much about the specifics of what our missions support actually meant – what missions are we supporting, what are the goals, etc.
This post is intended to give some clarity to that. But first, I want to give some background to how we got to where we are, and why we are going where we are going this year, Lord willing.
In 2015, my husband – along with a few other men – traveled to India on his first mission trip. Upon his return, the Lord placed on his heart a deep and passionate love for India and the gospel work going on there. It took me awhile to come around to his way of thinking, but eventually the Lord worked his will in my heart as well, and I made my first trip along with Freddie in February 2017. Even in the midst of overwhelm, culture shock (more so coming home than being in India), and the newness of it all – I knew I wanted to go back. I fell in love.
Fast forward to present day, since then we have made three additional trips back to India. Each time we met new people and learned new things – and in the process grew deeper in love with what the Lord is doing there through the faithful ministry work of Christian brothers and sisters.
Originally, we were visiting Grace Christian Ministry in Kerala, India. Through that relationship, we became acquainted with Pastor Girish in the northern Indian state of Bihar. He and his wife are faithfully working in one of the most unreached areas of India to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. And Freddie and I are both confident that the Lord has called us to help them with the work they are doing.
In the coming days and weeks ahead, we will be sharing more specifically about the ministry in Bihar. As we work to refine the focus and how we can help support the gospel work being done there, we ask for your prayers.