Here we are…January 3, 2022. My how time has flown. It seems impossible that it was three years ago today we opened our doors at the previous location on First Street! I spent some time over the weekend reading through some of my previous blog posts and saw a recurring theme: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21 This Proverb rings truer, louder and clearer than ever before. When I think back to when we first opened our doors until present day, I am amazed at how the things I thought were going to happen – the plans in my mind – turned out so differently, yet better and more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed up myself. As I read through those old posts, I also had to chuckle to myself over some of my naïve plans and ideas. The Lord always knows better – ALWAYS. So, what is my biggest takeaway from the last three years? Well…It is something that I have known intellectually, but I have seen it take form and it has a deeper meaning today: I am responsible for my obedience and God is responsible for the results. It has been a great reminder that no matter what, ultimately the only thing I have control of is my obedience to what He calls me to. I can only do the next thing before me in faith. I have no control over the outcome of that action or task. He does. And he knows his purposes and plans because he is Sovereign and sees the whole picture. I have big ideas, plans and desires to achieve this year, and because of those big ideas, plans and desires – I needed this reminder. I needed to be reminded of his gracious provision over the past three years. I needed to be reminded that it was HIM who sustained this business over the last three years. I needed to be reminded that I exist to bring him glory. I needed to be reminded that I am wholly dependent on him for absolutely everything. Along with those reminders comes a level of conviction as I have lost sight of those things along the way to varying degrees. Getting lost in the day-to-day operations and fighting against doubt and just being plain worn out – has more than once caused me to lose sight of the “why” …which always has been and always will be HIM. So, what does this all mean for the new year that is ahead of us? What can you expect to see from Mission Cup Coffee this year? Well, you can be assured we will still work to bring you delicious coffee and baked goods – hopefully expanding some items soon (stay tuned). But more than that, you can expect to hear more about why we exist. Why the name Mission Cup Coffee? What are we all about? I know many of you are new to our shop, so we want to welcome you in and get you up to speed on all of these things. But my prayer is that what you will see more of than any of these other things will be this: More Jesus. I don’t know what that entails yet, but that is what is one my heart. So, stay tuned – three years are under our belt, God has been so gracious to us, and we feel like we are just getting started. Your support, love, encouragement and friendship over the past three years has been a blessing that cannot even be fully articulated. My life has been enriched in many ways by the people I have met over the years in this community. Thank you. Here’s to a new year. May God be glorified! May his gospel go forth in this community and to the nations! In Christ, Jenn |