Most of you are familiar with the Big Giving Cup that sits on the serving counter of Mission Cup Coffee. Any and all tips we receive at the shop go into this HUGE coffee cup to be donated to a charity or organization of our choosing. Every month we have selected something different.
March’s focus was Life Light Ministries of Bihar, India. We received about $300 in tips to donate to this gospel mission in the country that has captured our hearts.
It is YOUR generosity that has made this possible.
Life Light Ministries is a gospel focused mission in Bihar, India. The state of Bihar is in northeastern India and is highly UNREACHED by the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are millions of people who have yet to even hear the name of Jesus, much less to be told of the hope of salvation in Christ alone. Pastor Girish and his wife, Sunimol work tirelessly and faithfully to further the gospel through their mission. Their ministry includes: training disciples, a women’s sewing ministry, children’s bible ministry and church planting among unreached people groups.
India is in a national lockdown status due to the pandemic. This looks a lot different for them than it does for us. Due to the massive poverty that plagues India in the best of times, this lockdown and pandemic have hit especially hard among the poorest of the poor in India. Many people work for a daily wage, (living day to day) and because everything but the most essential business are shut down, that means many are without work. This translates into many going without the basic necessities of life such as food.
Pastor Girish and his team have been working to distribute food kits to families in need in their area. With the funds from the Big Giving Cup, they were able to provide food kits to 26 families in their area, with plans to distribute to 10 more today. The women’s sewing ministry is also sewing masks to distribute. This means that because of the generosity you have shown – 36 families in India have not only had some of their physical needs met during this difficult time, but they have also been given the gospel – the greatest gift EVER – and to be told there is hope in Christ for their eternal salvation.
Below are some pictures of the work that was just done in the last day or two. Each food kit includes the following: Rice, wheat flour, vegetable oil, pulses (a mixture of beans for protein), sugar, tea leaf, spices.
In a time when many of us are struggling in different ways I thought it would be a great time to share this with you all. Sometimes we just need to see the world from a different perspective.
Thank you. We praise God for each and every one of you.